Monday, February 28, 2011

T-1 Month: My not-packout

It's officially one month until I become a Foreign Service Officer. Crazy.

While things aren't officially starting yet, I am getting a bit of a head start on one phase that my classmates are still waiting on: the big move. My big move was to all of 50 minutes away, going from out in the Maryland suburbs into the city. And as a local hire, I didn't have an official 'packout', with all the joys of moving assessments, UAB/HHE designations, etc. (or the paid apartment to move into).

I did, however, get my own chance to be stressed, sore, and pleasantly relieved with a new home. Thanks to Craigslist, I found me some cheap movers (aka strong guys with truck), packed up the SUV, and made three trips from suburbia to Capitol Hill. A long weekend, but definitely worth it. It's great to be getting to start this new phase of my life in a new place that I can all my own (well, besides the three roommates I share the house with). And living in this gorgeous part of this awesome city doesn't hurt.

Now that the move is done, it's back to paperwork. I still haven't picked a health insurance plan and have decided not to until I get to A-100 and have the chance to see some presentations on the programs and talk to representatives. Otherwise things are pretty much wrapped up, although some of my documents did manage to be left behind on the move and need to be added to my ever-growing pile before sending them in.

March 28 - here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from a future A-100 classmate! See you in 3 weeks :)
